System isn’t working: The problems of youth unemployment


It’s no secret that young people are suffering from unemployment. According to recent research by the Prince’s Trust, almost a million young people across the UK are struggling to find a job while 40% of jobless young people have faced symptoms of mental illness as a result of being out of work.

Despite the UK supposedly having overcome recession, young people are still left jobless, and a high number of those unemployed are being diagnosed with depression, panic attacks or anxiety.

Society expects us to have figured out exactly what we …

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THE WALTER TULL STORY – a hero who might have been forgotten by history

It’s about Walter Tull, the first black footballer to be signed by Spurs Football Team and the first black offer in the British Army in WW1. He suffered a horrendous amount of racial abuse and he was dropped by Spurs.  An injustice was also done when Tull was turned down for the Military Cross on account of his race.

They are performing the play at
Bernie Grant Arts Centre Friday 18th July at 7.30pm
Bruce Grove Youth CentreFriday 25th July at 7.00pm
The Hub Saturday 26th July at 2pm
Catholic Worker Guidesppe Conlon Centre Saturday 26th July at 7pm

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Britain and the struggle for human rights an article by Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC


Read Britain and the struggle for human rights an article by Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC – JtoJ steering group member and founder of human rights law firm Bindmans LLP; Chair of British Institute of Human Rights 2005-13. Legaladviser to the Race Relations Board 1966-1983.


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Journey to Justice – the launch – 21st June 2014

On 21 June the wonderful Conway Hall was host to our launch – a night of song, dance, poetry, film and speeches celebrating movements for social justice – compered by our Chairman Mark Hutchinson.  There was a  full house and teams of dedicated volunteers prepared delicious food and drink, all donated. The launch was made possible by our funders and the hard work of 40 volunteers and 45 performers. Many in the audience have given to our crowd funding campaign – thank you!

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Welcome by Chair of Journey to Justice, Mark Hutchinson

“Ben, make sure you play ‘Precious Lord, Take My Hand’ in the meeting tonight, play it real pretty.”

These were the last words uttered by Martin Luther King on 4th April 1968 to the musician Ben Branch.  Today, Journey to Justice launches its first project examining the creativity of and links between the American civil rights movement and social protest in Britain. King’s words hint at the inextricable link between struggle and song. Many have been inspired by the principles and passion that were invoked and the manner and methods used in the struggle for human dignity and justice. And for …

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Welcome by Director of Journey To Justice, Carrie Supple

All campaigns for justice are made up of individual journeys and everyone has a story to tell. June 21st 2014 is the 50th anniversary of the murder of civil rights workers, James Chaney, Andy Goodman and Michael Schwerner in Mississippi. The launch of Journey to Justice is dedicated to their memory. We remember Kevin Gately who was killed 40 years ago in a demonstration against the National Front, here in Red Lion Square.

It’s remarkable how much Journey to Justice has achieved in a year by what is essentially a group of volunteers. Huge thanks to the …

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