Journey to Justice: Two Birminghams
Thursday December 10th 2020 / 20.00 – 21.30

Civil rights & economic justice in Birmingham, Alabama & Birmingham, UK: next steps?

To mark International Human Rights Day, Journey to Justice is delighted to welcome Janice Kelsey, a US civil rights activist from Birmingham Alabama, whose story we tell in our travelling exhibition. She will be the main speaker at our online event with Bishop Jonathan Jackson, Senior Pastor at NTCG The Rock in Springhill, Birmingham.

They will be joined by other speakers from Birmingham whose work is focused on social and economic justice as we look at history, today and what we can do now.

Councillor John Cotton Cabinet Member, Birmingham City Council. Social Inclusion, Community Safety and Equalities

Dr Angela Moran musician/teacher

Abdullah Rehman MBE Community Engagement Lead, Bahu Trust UK

Kai Daley student

Tickets are free and booking is essential.

A Zoom link will be sent the day before our event. 

Janice Kelsey, in Kelly Ingram Park Birmingham, Alabama which commemorates
civil rights movement activists, by 16th Street Baptist Church

“It is an honour to be exhibited as a part of history and provided with an opportunity to share my story with children in Birmingham, UK. It was a journey shared by thousands of youth who marched for freedom during the spring of 1963. Today, the struggle continues. Young people need to be informed by hearing the realities of the past. Hopefully, they will be able to relate and learn from the past as a catalyst for change in a peaceful manner today.” Janice Kelsey, Author of I Woke Up With My Mind on Freedom

This event was due to take place in Birmingham, UK on April 4th, the date of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination as a way of continuing his legacy and the struggle against racism, poverty and war. It was postponed due to the pandemic and our exhibition programme at the Library of Birmingham cut short after a tremendous launch and month of activities with our partners in the city.

See: www.journeytojustice.org.uk/birmingham
Or if you have any questions, email: info@journeytojustice.org.uk 

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