Journey To Justice Edinburgh

Edinburgh JtoJ Taster Day: May 16th 2016

In December 2015 Carrie Supple, then JtoJ director, ran a workshop about JtoJ and teaching for social justice at the University of Edinburgh for staff and students. There was enthusiastic interest from practitioners and with RSA Scotland as our partner, Parul Motin, Katie McSherry and Carrie ran a taster day at the Quaker Meeting House, Edinburgh in May 2016. Over 40 participants signed up to attend from Article 12, Roma, women’s, heritage, theatre and media organisations, social workers, staff and students from the Schools of Education and Law at the University of Edinburgh and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner’s office. We were delighted to work with Stuart Moir from Moray House School of Education who spoke about The Struggle for Democracy in Scotland’ via a brief virtual tour of some of the city’s sites and Hollie Ruddick who talked about local Amnesty International activity. We outlined JtoJ’s approach and discussed how it might complement work needed in Edinburgh. The response from many attendees was positive and we hope it will lead to a partnership in the future. For more information, contact:

With many thanks to Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland for his support.

Taster Day workshop, 'Why are you involved in social justice work? What makes you angry?

Taster Day workshop, ‘Why are you involved in social justice work? What makes you angry?’